まほろば教 / Bass TAB
Title: まほろば教
Artist: あさき
Game: REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
Artist: あさき
Game: REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
- The TAB says standard tuning, but there are Eb notes in bar 105, 106, and 121. Some phrases practically require the guitar to be in the standard tuning (because using open strings makes playing easier), so it doesn't make sense to tune the whole strings down. Maybe using 5-string bass could be a solution but there are only 3 notes that a 4-string bass cannot play so... I don't know what to do!
- there are some bass parts in the intro (which is skipped in this TAB), but they should be pretty easy to figure out
- bars 189-205 (~或いはまたその一方で~) and bars 359-382 (―あとがき―, ―砂漠へ戻る―) does not represent actual timings
- absolutely no idea what is going on in bars 169-172, bars 270-277, bars 302-307, bars 309-311.
- some parts use more distortion
- bars 226-237 are actually in 4/4, but using the odd time signatures helps better understand the repeating patterns
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